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error Error_ProtocolFeeRecipientIsZero()
event SetProtocolFee(struct Factory.ProtocolFeeInfo protocolFeeInfo_)
event DeployYieldTokenPair(contract Gate gate, address vault, contract NegativeYieldToken nyt, contract PerpetualYieldToken pyt)
struct ProtocolFeeInfo {
uint8 fee;
address recipient;
State variables
struct Factory.ProtocolFeeInfo protocolFeeInfo
The protocol fee and the fee recipient address.
State-mutating functions
function deployYieldTokenPair(contract Gate gate, address vault) public virtual returns (contract NegativeYieldToken nyt, contract PerpetualYieldToken pyt)
Deploys the NegativeYieldToken and PerpetualYieldToken associated with a vault.
Will revert if they have already been deployed.
Name | Type | Description |
gate | contract Gate | The gate that will use the NYT and PYT |
vault | address | The vault to deploy NYT and PYT for |
Name | Type | Description |
nyt | contract NegativeYieldToken | The deployed NegativeYieldToken |
pyt | contract PerpetualYieldToken | The deployed PerpetualYieldToken |
View functions
function getNegativeYieldToken(contract Gate gate, address vault) public view virtual returns (contract NegativeYieldToken)
Returns the NegativeYieldToken associated with a gate & vault pair.
Returns non-zero value even if the contract hasn't been deployed yet.
Name | Type | Description |
gate | contract Gate | The gate to query |
vault | address | The vault to query |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract NegativeYieldToken | The NegativeYieldToken address |
function getPerpetualYieldToken(contract Gate gate, address vault) public view virtual returns (contract PerpetualYieldToken)
Returns the PerpetualYieldToken associated with a gate & vault pair.
Returns non-zero value even if the contract hasn't been deployed yet.
Name | Type | Description |
gate | contract Gate | The gate to query |
vault | address | The vault to query |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract PerpetualYieldToken | The PerpetualYieldToken address |
Owner functions
function ownerSetProtocolFee(struct Factory.ProtocolFeeInfo protocolFeeInfo_) external virtual
Updates the protocol fee and/or the protocol fee recipient. Only callable by the owner.
Name | Type | Description |
protocolFeeInfo_ | struct Factory.ProtocolFeeInfo | The new protocol fee info |
Internal functions
function _computeYieldTokenAddress(contract Gate gate, address vault, bool isPerpetualYieldToken) internal view virtual returns (address)
Computes the address of PYTs and NYTs using CREATE2.